Learn the common Family Members Names like dad, mom, son, sister, brother, and many more. Learning the names of family members in English with images and example sentences is very useful. Knowing about these family member’s names will help you to communicate better with your family, as well as get better at understanding others. We’ll also provide their useful images and Family Members Vocabulary PDF to help you learn later. It’s an easy way to remember each family member and use them in everyday conversations. Let’s begin!
Family Members Names in English
- Father
- Mother
- Brother
- Sister
- Son
- Daughter
- Husband
- Wife
- Grandfather
- Grandmother
- Uncle
- Aunt
- Cousin
- Nephew
- Niece
- Father-in-law
- Mother-in-law
- Brother-in-law
- Sister-in-law
- Stepfather
- Stepmother
- Half-brother
- Half-sister
- Great-grandfather
- Great-grandmother
- Grandson
- Granddaughter
Family Members’ Names in English with Images
A father is a male parent who takes care of and supports his children.
My father works hard to provide for our family.
A mother is a female parent who loves and cares for her children.
My mother makes the best meals for us every day.
A brother is a male sibling, who shares the same parents as you.
My brother helps me with my homework.
A sister is a female sibling, someone who shares the same parents as you.
My sister and I love playing together.
A son is a male child of parents.
Their son is very talented in sports.
A daughter is a female child of parents.
Our daughter is learning to play the piano.
A husband is a man married to a wife.
Her husband always supports her in difficult times.
A wife is a woman married to a husband.
His wife is a great cook and very kind.
A grandfather is the father of your parents.
My grandfather tells us amazing stories from his youth.
A grandmother is the mother of your parents.
My grandmother makes the best cookies during the holidays.
An uncle is the brother of your father or mother.
My uncle took us to the zoo last weekend.
An aunt is the sister of your father or mother.
My aunt often sends me nice birthday gifts.
A cousin is the child of your uncle or aunt.
I love visiting my cousin during the summer holidays.
A nephew is the son of your brother or sister.
My nephew is learning to ride a bike.
A niece is the daughter of your brother or sister.
My niece is turning five years old next week.
Names of Family Members and Relatives
A father-in-law is the father of your husband or wife.
My father-in-law is very kind and always helps us out.
A mother-in-law is the mother of your husband or wife.
My mother-in-law taught me her secret family recipes.
A brother-in-law is the brother of your husband or wife.
My brother-in-law and I enjoy playing soccer together.
A sister-in-law is the sister of your husband or wife.
My sister-in-law and I go shopping together often.
A stepfather is a man married to your mother but not your father.
My stepfather is very supportive and caring.
A stepmother is a woman married to your father but not your mother.
My stepmother always tries to make everyone feel included.
A half-brother is a brother with whom you share one biological parent.
My half-brother and I like to watch movies together.
A half-sister is a sister with whom you share one biological parent.
My half-sister is very good at drawing.
A great-grandfather is the father of your grandparents.
My great-grandfather lived to be 100 years old.
A great-grandmother is the mother of your grandparents.
My great-grandmother taught me how to bake cakes.
A grandson is the male child of your son or daughter.
My grandson loves to visit me on the weekends.
A granddaughter is the female child of your son or daughter.
My granddaughter draws beautiful pictures for me.
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