Learning new words is a fun and important way for kids to grow their vocabulary and become better at speaking and writing. Knowing synonyms (words with similar meanings) and antonyms (words with opposite meanings) helps children express themselves clearly and creatively. Here are 100 commonly used English words along with their synonyms and antonyms, perfect for kids to expand their language skills!
Synonyms and Antonyms for Kids
In this section, I am going to share with you a very helpful and easy-to-read and memorize list of 100 English words along with their synonyms and antonyms for kids. Our kids can easily memorize these easy-wording synonyms and antonyms in English. We are trying our best to provide a very helpful list of synonyms and antonyms. All are listed below; let’s learn…
1. Happy
- Synonyms: Cheerful, Joyful
- Antonyms: Sad, Unhappy
2. Big
- Synonyms: Large, Huge
- Antonyms: Small, Tiny
3. Fast
- Synonyms: Quick, Speedy
- Antonyms: Slow, Sluggish
4. Smart
- Synonyms: Clever, Bright
- Antonyms: Dumb, Stupid
5. Strong
- Synonyms: Tough, Sturdy
- Antonyms: Weak, Fragile
6. Brave
- Synonyms: Bold, Courageous
- Antonyms: Scared, Afraid
7. Tall
- Synonyms: High, Lofty
- Antonyms: Short, Low
8. Clean
- Synonyms: Neat, Tidy
- Antonyms: Dirty, Messy
9. Hot
- Synonyms: Warm, Scorching
- Antonyms: Cold, Chilly
10. Easy
- Synonyms: Simple, Easy
- Antonyms: Hard, Difficult
11. Good
- Synonyms: Nice, Great
- Antonyms: Bad, Poor
12. Funny
- Synonyms: Amusing, Hilarious
- Antonyms: Serious, Boring
13. Quiet
- Synonyms: Silent, Calm
- Antonyms: Loud, Noisy
14. Rich
- Synonyms: Wealthy, Affluent
- Antonyms: Poor, Needy
15. Beautiful
- Synonyms: Pretty, Lovely
- Antonyms: Ugly, Plain
16. Soft
- Synonyms: Gentle, Smooth
- Antonyms: Hard, Rough
17. Young
- Synonyms: Youthful, New
- Antonyms: Old, Elderly
18. Friend
- Synonyms: Buddy, Pal
- Antonyms: Enemy, Rival
19. Old
- Synonyms: Aged, Elderly
- Antonyms: Young, New
20. Cold
- Synonyms: Freezing, Icy
- Antonyms: Hot, Warm
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21. Near
- Synonyms: Close, Nearby
- Antonyms: Far, Distant
22. Heavy
- Synonyms: Weighty, Massive
- Antonyms: Light, Small
23. Safe
- Synonyms: Secure, Protected
- Antonyms: Dangerous, Risky
24. Lazy
- Synonyms: Idle, Relaxed
- Antonyms: Active, Energetic
25. Bright
- Synonyms: Shiny, Radiant
- Antonyms: Dull, Dim
26. Interesting
- Synonyms: Fun, Exciting
- Antonyms: Boring, Dull
27. Dark
- Synonyms: Black, Gloomy
- Antonyms: Light, Bright
28. Quiet
- Synonyms: Silent, Calm
- Antonyms: Loud, Noisy
29. Clear
- Synonyms: Easy, Transparent
- Antonyms: Cloudy, Confusing
30. Short
- Synonyms: Small, Little
- Antonyms: Tall, Long
31. Long
- Synonyms: Extended, Wide
- Antonyms: Short, Brief
32. Big
- Synonyms: Large, Huge
- Antonyms: Small, Tiny
33. Strong
- Synonyms: Sturdy, Powerful
- Antonyms: Weak, Delicate
34. Heavy
- Synonyms: Weighty, Dense
- Antonyms: Light, Tiny
35. Sweet
- Synonyms: Yummy, Delicious
- Antonyms: Sour, Bitter
36. Sad
- Synonyms: Unhappy, Down
- Antonyms: Happy, Cheerful
37. Clean
- Synonyms: Neat, Tidy
- Antonyms: Dirty, Messy
38. Fast
- Synonyms: Quick, Speedy
- Antonyms: Slow, Sluggish
39. Loud
- Synonyms: Noisy, Rowdy
- Antonyms: Quiet, Calm
40. Kind
- Synonyms: Nice, Caring
- Antonyms: Mean, Unkind
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41. Rich
- Synonyms: Wealthy, Affluent
- Antonyms: Poor, Needy
42. Beautiful
- Synonyms: Pretty, Lovely
- Antonyms: Ugly, Plain
43. Funny
- Synonyms: Hilarious, Amusing
- Antonyms: Serious, Boring
44. Bright
- Synonyms: Shiny, Glowing
- Antonyms: Dim, Dull
45. Healthy
- Synonyms: Fit, Strong
- Antonyms: Sick, Weak
46. Slow
- Synonyms: Leisurely, Sluggish
- Antonyms: Fast, Quick
47. Happy
- Synonyms: Joyful, Cheerful
- Antonyms: Sad, Unhappy
48. Big
- Synonyms: Huge, Large
- Antonyms: Small, Tiny
49. Friendly
- Synonyms: Kind, Sociable
- Antonyms: Unfriendly, Cold
50. Clean
- Synonyms: Neat, Tidy
- Antonyms: Messy, Dirty
51. Hard
- Synonyms: Tough, Strong
- Antonyms: Soft, Easy
52. Tall
- Synonyms: High, Lofty
- Antonyms: Short, Low
53. Old
- Synonyms: Aged, Senior
- Antonyms: Young, New
54. Funny
- Synonyms: Amusing, Hilarious
- Antonyms: Boring, Serious
55. Bright
- Synonyms: Shiny, Radiant
- Antonyms: Dull, Dim
56. Clear
- Synonyms: Obvious, Easy
- Antonyms: Confusing, Cloudy
57. Loud
- Synonyms: Noisy, Boisterous
- Antonyms: Quiet, Calm
58. Cold
- Synonyms: Freezing, Chilly
- Antonyms: Warm, Hot
59. Kind
- Synonyms: Caring, Gentle
- Antonyms: Mean, Cruel
60. Strong
- Synonyms: Tough, Sturdy
- Antonyms: Weak, Fragile
Related: 100 Opposite Words for Kids
61. Fast
- Synonyms: Speedy, Quick
- Antonyms: Slow, Sluggish
62. Big
- Synonyms: Huge, Large
- Antonyms: Small, Tiny
63. Shiny
- Synonyms: Bright, Glossy
- Antonyms: Dull, Faded
64. Light
- Synonyms: Bright, Gentle
- Antonyms: Dark, Heavy
65. Healthy
- Synonyms: Fit, Strong
- Antonyms: Sick, Weak
66. Slow
- Synonyms: Sluggish, Leisurely
- Antonyms: Fast, Quick
67. Friendly
- Synonyms: Sociable, Amiable
- Antonyms: Hostile, Unfriendly
68. Funny
- Synonyms: Hilarious, Amusing
- Antonyms: Boring, Serious
69. Big
- Synonyms: Large, Gigantic
- Antonyms: Small, Tiny
70. Quiet
- Synonyms: Silent, Calm
- Antonyms: Loud, Noisy
71. Old
- Synonyms: Aged, Senior
- Antonyms: Young, Fresh
72. Beautiful
- Synonyms: Pretty, Lovely
- Antonyms: Plain, Ugly
73. Sad
- Synonyms: Unhappy, Down
- Antonyms: Happy, Cheerful
74. Clean
- Synonyms: Neat, Fresh
- Antonyms: Messy, Dirty
75. Hot
- Synonyms: Warm, Scorching
- Antonyms: Cold, Chilly
76. Small
- Synonyms: Tiny, Petite
- Antonyms: Big, Large
77. Soft
- Synonyms: Gentle, Smooth
- Antonyms: Hard, Rough
78. Fast
- Synonyms: Quick, Swift
- Antonyms: Slow, Leisurely
79. Funny
- Synonyms: Hilarious, Amusing
- Antonyms: Serious, Boring
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80. Cold
- Synonyms: Freezing, Chilly
- Antonyms: Hot, Warm
81. Strong
- Synonyms: Tough, Sturdy
- Antonyms: Weak, Fragile
82. Quiet
- Synonyms: Calm, Silent
- Antonyms: Loud, Noisy
83. Tired
- Synonyms: Sleepy, Exhausted
- Antonyms: Energized, Active
84. Brave
- Synonyms: Bold, Courageous
- Antonyms: Scared, Fearful
85. Soft
- Synonyms: Gentle, Plush
- Antonyms: Hard, Rough
86. Loud
- Synonyms: Noisy, Rowdy
- Antonyms: Quiet, Calm
87. Light
- Synonyms: Bright, Soft
- Antonyms: Dark, Heavy
88. Kind
- Synonyms: Friendly, Caring
- Antonyms: Mean, Rude
89. Slow
- Synonyms: Sluggish, Leisurely
- Antonyms: Fast, Quick
90. Rich
- Synonyms: Wealthy, Prosperous
- Antonyms: Poor, Needy
91. Big
- Synonyms: Huge, Large
- Antonyms: Small, Tiny
92. Friendly
- Synonyms: Kind, Sociable
- Antonyms: Unfriendly, Hostile
93. Warm
- Synonyms: Hot, Toasty
- Antonyms: Cold, Chilly
94. Tall
- Synonyms: High, Lofty
- Antonyms: Short, Small
95. Bright
- Synonyms: Radiant, Shiny
- Antonyms: Dull, Faded
96. Safe
- Synonyms: Secure, Protected
- Antonyms: Dangerous, Unsafe
97. Quiet
- Synonyms: Silent, Peaceful
- Antonyms: Loud, Noisy
98. Hard
- Synonyms: Tough, Stiff
- Antonyms: Soft, Easy
99. Clean
- Synonyms: Neat, Tidy
- Antonyms: Messy, Dirty
100. Old
- Synonyms: Aged, Elderly
- Antonyms: New, Young
That was our today’s lesson, where we learned 100 commonly used English words along with their synonyms and antonyms for kids. They can use these words in their everyday conversation to improve vocabulary and conversation skills in English. Learning new words is a good way to improve English vocabulary. For more kids learning lessons, please visit the following attached links:
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