Daily Used Sentences

40 Normal vs Advanced Sentences about Weather

40 Normal vs Advanced Sentences About Weather | PDF
Written by @engrdu

In this blog post, you will learn how to talk about the weather using both simple and advanced sentences. Weather is a common topic in daily conversations, and using the right words can help you express yourself clearly. Whether you’re describing a rainy day or a strong wind, knowing different sentence structures will improve your English skills. By the end, you’ll be able to speak more naturally and confidently.

Normal vs Advanced Sentences About Weather


Normal: It’s very hot today.
Advanced: The heat is sweltering today.

Normal: It’s cold outside.
Advanced: The weather is bitterly cold outside.

Normal: It’s raining heavily.
Advanced: It’s pouring down with rain.

Normal: It’s a sunny day.
Advanced: The sun is shining brightly today.

Normal: There’s a light breeze.
Advanced: A gentle breeze is blowing.

Normal: It looks like it might rain.
Advanced: The sky looks ominous; it might rain.

Normal: It’s very windy today.
Advanced: The winds are gusty today.

Normal: It’s snowing.
Advanced: Snowflakes are falling gracefully.

Normal: The weather is nice.
Advanced: The weather is quite pleasant today.

Normal: It’s freezing outside.
Advanced: The temperature is below freezing point outside.

Normal: It’s cloudy today.
Advanced: The sky is overcast today.

Normal: It’s foggy.
Advanced: A dense fog has blanketed the area.

Normal: The storm is coming.
Advanced: A storm is brewing in the distance.

Normal: It’s a bit chilly.
Advanced: There’s a slight chill in the air.

Normal: The weather is bad.
Advanced: The weather conditions are unfavorable.

Normal: The sun is setting.
Advanced: The sun is dipping below the horizon.

Normal: It’s really humid.
Advanced: The air is oppressively humid today.

Normal: It’s drizzling.
Advanced: There’s a fine mist of rain falling.

Normal: There’s thunder outside.
Advanced: Thunder is rumbling in the distance.

Normal: It’s stormy.
Advanced: The weather is tempestuous.

Normal: The rain stopped.
Advanced: The rain has subsided.

Normal: It’s partly cloudy.
Advanced: The sky is speckled with clouds.

40 Normal vs Advanced Sentences About Weather | PDF

Good Sentences to Describe Weather in English

Normal: It’s scorching hot.
Advanced: The heat is blistering today.

Normal: There’s ice on the roads.
Advanced: The roads are glazed with ice.

Normal: It’s a clear night.
Advanced: The sky is crystal clear tonight.

Normal: The wind is blowing hard.
Advanced: The wind is howling fiercely.

Normal: It’s pouring outside.
Advanced: It’s a torrential downpour outside.

Normal: It’s warm today.
Advanced: The weather is pleasantly warm today.

Normal: There’s a storm.
Advanced: A thunderstorm is raging.

Normal: It’s getting dark early.
Advanced: The daylight hours are waning.

Normal: It’s too cold for a walk.
Advanced: The frigid weather makes walking unbearable.

Normal: It’s raining lightly.
Advanced: A soft drizzle is coming down.

Normal: The sky is bright.
Advanced: The sky is brilliantly illuminated.

Normal: It’s misty.
Advanced: The morning air is shrouded in mist.

Normal: The snow is deep.
Advanced: The snow has piled up substantially.

Normal: It’s boiling hot in here.
Advanced: The room feels like a furnace.

Normal: It’s calm outside.
Advanced: The weather is serenely calm.

Normal: It’s raining on and off.
Advanced: The rain is intermittent.

Normal: The sun is out.
Advanced: The sun has emerged from behind the clouds.

Normal: It’s dusty outside.
Advanced: A haze of dust is lingering in the air.

Normal: It’s stormy tonight.
Advanced: The night is rife with storms.

Normal: There’s a strong wind.
Advanced: The gale-force winds are blowing fiercely.

Normal: The rain is making the ground wet.
Advanced: The persistent rain is saturating the ground.

Normal: The snow is melting.
Advanced: The snow is gradually thawing.

40 Normal vs Advanced Sentences About Weather | PDF

You now know how to discuss the weather in normal and advanced English. To practice, use these sentences in your daily discussions. The more you use them, the more natural your English will become. Keep studying and don’t be hesitant to try out new phrases.

Click Here to Download Normal vs Advanced Sentences for Weather PDF


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"We are passionate about making English language learning accessible and fun. From mastering grammar to expanding vocabulary and understanding the nuances of American and British English, our goal is to provide learners with practical tools for real-world communication. Whether you're looking to improve comprehension or sharpen your daily conversation skills, our easy-to-follow guides, worksheets, and picture-based learning make it simple for everyone to succeed."

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