In this blog post, you’ll learn a comprehensive A to Z list of American and British English words and phrases. This useful vocabulary list highlights words that differ in pronunciation and meaning between the two dialects, helping you improve your English vocabulary and speaking skills. By familiarizing yourself with these differences, you’ll become more confident in your conversations and communication.
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American and British Grammar
American and British English are largely similar, but they do have distinct differences in grammar, words, spelling, and pronunciation. Understanding these differences is important for grasping both versions of English and can enhance your communication skills in diverse settings.
1. Collective Nouns: In British English, collective nouns can be singular or plural, depending on the group’s nature, while in American English, they are typically singular.
For example:
- British English: The team is playing well today.
- American English: The team is playing well today.
2. Past tense of get: In British English, “get” is past tense “got” and past participle “got” or “gotten” when used with “have,” while in American English, it is past tense “got” and past participle “gotten.”
- British English: I’ve got a new job. / I’ve gotten a new job.
- American English: I’ve gotten a new job.
3. Prepositions in British and American English have some variations.
- British English: She studied at university.
- American English: She studied in college.
4. British English frequently uses the present perfect tense to describe past events relevant to the present, while American English may use the simple past in similar situations.
- British English: Have you eaten dinner yet?
- American English: Did you eat dinner yet?
5. Use of auxiliary verbs: In British English, “have” is used alongside “got,” while in American English, it is frequently dropped in informal speech.
- British English: I’ve got a new car.
- American English: I got a new car. (informal)
6. Spelling differences affecting grammar: Spelling differences between British and American English can result in minor grammatical differences.
For example:
- British English: I will practise my piano lesson.
- American English: I will practice my piano lesson.
7. British English typically uses the informal ‘Shall’ utterance, while Americans prefer the ‘Will’ utterance.
American and British Pronunciation
The primary difference between American (GA) and British (GB) English pronunciation lies in the treatment of the ‘r’ sound. In British English, the ‘r’ is often omitted if it follows a vowel sound, especially in non-rhotic accents, whereas in American English, the ‘r’ is typically pronounced in all positions. This leads to significant pronunciation differences between the two versions of English, with American English retaining a more pronounced ‘r’ in words like “car” and “hard,” while British English tends to drop it.
A to Z American and British English Words
Here’s the huge list of A-Z American and British English words:
British English | American English |
Eggy Bread | (Fried) French Toast |
Crisps | (Potato) Chips |
A Mark | A grade, Point |
A Full Stop | A Period |
Rasher | A Slice of Bacon |
Aeroplane | Airplane |
Pocket Money | Allowance |
An Exclamation Mark | An Exclamation Point |
Block of Flats | Apartment Building, Apartment House |
Starter | Appetizer |
Rocket | Arugula |
Solicitor | Attorney at Law |
Pram | Baby Carriage |
Dummy For | Baby Pacifier |
Rucksack | Backpack |
Plaster | Band-Aid |
Dressing Gown | Bath Rope |
Bath | Bath Tub |
Swimming Costume | Bathing Suit |
Dressing Gown | Bathrobe |
Loo | Bathroom, Restroom |
Beetroot | Beet |
Pepper | Bell Pepper |
Scone | Biscuit |
Indicator | Blinker (Turn signal) |
Rubber | Boot |
Wellington | Boots, Wellies |
Square Brackets | Brackets |
Mid-morning Meal | Brunch |
Mate | Buddy |
Tin | Can |
Sweets | Candy |
Mobile Phone | Cell Phone |
Draughts | Checkers |
Coriander | Cilantro |
Module | Class |
Clothes peg | Clothespin |
Icing Sugar | Confectioner’s Sugar |
Biscuit | Cookie |
US and UK English Vocabulary
British English | American English |
Maize | Corn |
Candyfloss | Cotton Candy |
Anti Clockwise | Counter-Clockwise |
Semolina | Cream of Wheat, Manna |
Zebra Crossing | Cross Walk |
Lollipop Man/Lady | Crossing Guard |
Fairy Cake | Cup Cake |
Curly Brackets | Curly Braces |
Bureau De Change | Currency Exchange |
Pudding | Dessert |
Diversion | Detour |
Nappy | Diaper |
Tea Towel/ Tea Cloth | Dish Towel |
Dual Carriageway | Divided Highway |
Driving Licence | Driver’s License |
Chemist’s Shop | Drugstore |
Chemist’s | Drugstore/ Pharmacy |
Aubergine | Eggplant |
Primary School | Elementary School |
Rubber | Eraser |
Dear | Expensive |
(Academic) Staff | Faculty |
Autumn | Fall |
Autumn Term | Fall Semester |
British and American English Words
British English | American English |
Bum Bag | Fanny Pack |
Pitch | Field |
Fire Brigade | Fire Department |
Fire Engine | Fire Truck |
Food, Grub, Nosh | Food |
Motorway | Freeway, Highway |
Chips | French Fries |
Flan | Fruit Pie |
Professor | Full Professor |
Car Boot Sale | Garage Sale |
Rubbish | Garbage (Trash) |
Dustbin Man | Garbage Collector |
Dustman | Garbage man |
Rubbish | Garbage, Trash |
Petrol | Gas, Gasoline |
Gear Lever | Gear Shift |
Girl, Lass | Girl |
Level Crossing | Grade Crossing |
Muesli | Granola |
Runner Beans | Green Beans, String Beans |
Spring Onions | Green Onions |
Toasted Cheese (Sandwich) | Grilled Cheese |
Minced Meat | Ground Meat |
Chap | Guy |
Plimsolls | Gym Shoes |
Gammon | Ham |
Bonnet | Hat |
College High School | High School |
Bonnet | Hood |
School Dinner | Hot Lunch |
Crossroads | Intersection, crossroads |
American and British Words List A to Z
British English | American English |
Caretaker | Janitor |
Squash | Juice Concentrate |
Ladybird | Ladybug |
Solicitor | Lawyer, Attorney |
Number plate | License Plate |
Broad Bean | Lima Bean |
Queue | Line |
Smoked Salmon | Lox |
Post | |
Postman | Mailman |
High Street | Main Street |
Maths | Math |
Black Treacle | Molasses |
Mum, Mummy | Mom, Mommy, Ma |
Motorbike | Motorcycle |
Film | Movie |
Cinema | Movie Theater |
Silencer (car) | Muffler |
Serviette | Napkin |
Self- Catering | No Meals Included |
Nil (Sport) | Nothing, Zero |
Porridge | Oatmeal |
Bungalow | One Story House |
A single ticket | One way ticket |
Open Day/ Evening | Open House |
Dungarees | Overalls |
List of American and British English Words
British English | American English |
Flyover | Overpass |
Dummy for Baby | Pacifier |
Parcel | Package |
Pyjamas | Pajamas |
Trousers | Pants |
Round Brackets | Parentheses |
Car park | Parking lot |
Road Surface | Pavement |
Full Stop | Period |
Pet Hate | Pet Peeve |
Phone Box | Phone Booth |
Gherkin | Pickle |
Spot | Pimple |
Drawing | Pin- Thumbtack |
Jug | Pitcher |
Cling Film | Plastic Wrap |
Policeman | Police Officer |
Ice lolly | Popsicle |
Crisps | Potato Chips |
Headmaster | Principal |
Invigilate | Proctor |
Railway | Railroad |
Cooker | Range, Stove |
Play, Break Time | Recess |
Public Toilet | Restroom |
Curriculum Vitae/ CV | Resume |
Hench | Ripped |
Car Journey/ Drive | Road trip |
Roadworks | Roadwork |
Packed Lunch | Sach, Bag Lunch |
Packed Lunch | Sack Lunch |
Sandwich, Butty, Sarnie | Sandwich |
Pilchards | Sardines |
Sausage, Banger | Sausage |
Timetable | Schedule |
Sorbet | Sherbet |
Bootlace, Shoelace | Shoestring |
Trolley | Shopping Cart |
Desiccated Coconut | Shredded Coconut |
Pavement | Side Walk |
Sideboards | Sideburns |
Cutlery | Silverware |
Kipper | Smoked Herring |
Trainers | Sneakers |
Football | Soccer |
Fizzy Drink | Soda Pop |
Sleeping Policeman, Speed Bump | Speedbump |
Pitch | Sports Field |
Spring Term | Spring Semester |
Marrow | Squash |
Estate car | Station Wagon |
Sellotape | Sticky Tape, Scotch Tape |
Powdered | Sugar |
Examples of American and British Words
British English | American English |
Braces | Suspenders |
Set of Points | Switch |
Takeaway | Takeout |
Staff Room | Teacher’s Lounge |
Cashier | Teller |
Exam | Test |
Noughts and Crosses | Tic Tac Toe |
Draw | Tie |
Tyre | Tire |
Platform | Track |
Roundabout (road) | Traffic Circle |
Traffic Jam, Tailback | Traffic Jam |
Caravan | Trailer |
Gearbox | Transmission |
Bin/ Dust Bin | Trash Can |
Lorry | Truck |
Polo Neck | Turtle Neck |
Telly | TV (Television) |
Underwear, Knickers | Underwear, Panties |
Kit | Uniform |
Holiday | Vacation |
Waistcoat | Vest |
Tippex | White Out |
Windscreen | Windshield |
Spanner | Wrench |
Jumble Sale | Yard Sale |
Zed | Zee |
Postcode | Zip code |
Zip | Zipper |
Courgette | Zucchini |
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