Learn 50 basic French words that are useful for beginners. French is spoken in many countries, and knowing simple words can help you understand common conversations. Whether you plan to travel or just want to improve your language skills, learning these words will make communication easier. These essential French words will help you with greetings, directions, and everyday situations. By building your vocabulary step by step, you can start using French with confidence.
50 French Words for Beginners
Here we will learn 50 basic French words that are very helpful for beginners.
- French: Bonjour
- English: Hello / Good morning
- French: Merci
- English: Thank you.
- French: Oui
- English: Yes
- French: Non
- English: No
- French: S’il vous plaît
- English: Please
- French: Excusez-moi
- English: Excuse me.
- French: Au revoir
- English: Goodbye
- French: Bonsoir
- English: Good evening.
- French: Merci beaucoup
- English: Thank you very much.
- French: De rien
- English: You’re welcome.
- French: Comment ça va? –
- English: How are you?
- French: Bien
- English: Good
- French: Mal
- English: Bad
- French: Parlez-vous anglais ?
- English: Do you speak English?
- French: Je ne comprends pas.
- English: I don’t understand
- French: Pouvez-vous répéter ?
- English: Can you repeat?
- French: Je suis désolé –
- English: I’m sorry.
- French: Où est…?
- English: Where is…?
- French: Combien ça coûte ?
- English: How much does it cost?
- French: Je m’appelle…
- English: My name is…
- French: Oui, je comprends
- English: Yes, I understand.
- French: Non, je ne comprends pas
- English: No, I don’t understand
- French: Je voudrais…
- English: I would like…
- French: Aidez-moi
- English: Help me.
- French: Où sont les toilettes ?
- English: Where is the bathroom?
French Words with Meanings
- French: Je suis perdu(e)
- English: I am lost.
- French: Pouvez-vous m’aider ?
- English: Can you help me?
- French: Quelle heure est-il ?
- English: What time is it?
- French: Je suis fatigué(e)
- English: I am tired.
- French: Je suis en retard
- English: I am late.
- French: Il fait beau
- English: The weather is nice.
- French: Il pleut
- English: It is raining.
- French: Je ne sais pas
- English: I don’t know.
- French: Je suis heureux(se)
- English: I am happy.
- French: J’ai faim
- English: I am hungry.
- French: J’ai soif
- English: I am thirsty.
- French: C’est combien ?
- English: How much is it?
- French: Je voudrais une table pour deux
- English: I would like a table for two.
- French: L’addition, s’il vous plaît
- English: The bill, please.
- French: Où puis-je acheter des billets ?
- English: Where can I buy tickets?
- French: Je suis allergique à…
- English: I am allergic to…
- French: Je suis en vacances
- English: I am on vacation.
- French: Je voudrais réserver une chambre
- English: I would like to book a room.
- French: Je ne parle pas bien français
- English: I don’t speak French well.
- French: Répétez, s’il vous plaît
- English: Please repeat.
- French: Je suis content(e)
- English: I am pleased.
- French: C’est intéressant
- English: It is interesting.
- French: Je ne sais pas
- English: I don’t know.
- French: Qu’est-ce que c’est ?
- English: What is it?
- French: Pouvez-vous parler plus lentement ?
- English: Can you speak more slowly?
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