There are millions of words in the English language that we need to learn to enhance our vocabulary for being a good English speaker. Learning the antonyms or opposite words enhances your English vocabulary. When your vocabulary collection is good, then no one can stop you from speaking English fluently. As we all know, antonym words are the words that have opposite meanings. For example, we have some common English words like > unlike, sad > happy, men > women, dry > wet, and easy > difficult, etc.
The above examples show the concept of some basic English words and their opposite meanings, which we use in our daily lives. Learning this lesson going to help you understand the antonyms with 150 common English words. For more English vocabulary lessons, visit the below link:
English Vocabulary Lessons by
150 Words and Their Antonyms
In this section, we are going to share with you a very helpful list of basic English words with their antonyms or opposites. Let’s begin with today’s lesson and enhance your English vocabulary:
English Word | Antonym (Opposite Word) |
Able | Unable |
Abundant | Scarce |
Accept | Reject |
Accurate | Inaccurate |
Active | Inactive |
Add | Subtract |
Advance | Retreat |
Affirm | Deny |
Agree | Disagree |
Alive | Dead |
Allow | Forbid |
Ancient | Modern |
Answer | Question |
Apart | Together |
Arrive | Depart |
Ascend | Descend |
Awake | Asleep |
Beautiful | Ugly |
Begin | End |
Best | Worst |
Big | Small |
Bitter | Sweet |
Bless | Curse |
Bold | Timid |
Bright | Dull |
Build | Destroy |
Calm | Agitated |
Careful | Careless |
Cheap | Expensive |
Clean | Dirty |
Clever | Stupid |
Close | Open |
Cold | Hot |
Combine | Separate |
Comfort | Discomfort |
Complicated | Simple |
Continue | Stop |
Cool | Warm |
Create | Destroy |
Cruel | Kind |
Damage | Repair |
Dark | Light |
Dangerous | Safe |
Deep | Shallow |
Defeat | Victory |
Defend | Attack |
Despair | Hope |
Distant | Near |
Divide | Unite |
Domestic | Foreign |
Dry | Wet |
Early | Late |
Easy | Difficult |
Empty | Full |
Enter | Exit |
Excited | Calm |
Expand | Shrink |
External | Internal |
Fail | Succeed |
Fake | Real |
Famous | Unknown |
Fast | Slow |
Fat | Thin |
Fear | Courage |
Final | Initial |
Float | Sink |
Foolish | Wise |
Forget | Remember |
Forgive | Blame |
Fortunate | Unfortunate |
Forward | Backward |
Freedom | Slavery |
Fresh | Stale |
Friend | Enemy |
Gentle | Harsh |
Give | Take |
Glad | Sad |
Global | Local |
Good | Bad |
Greet | Ignore |
Guilty | Innocent |
Happy | Sad |
Hard | Soft |
Harmful | Beneficial |
Healthy | Unhealthy |
Heavy | Light |
High | Low |
Honest | Dishonest |
Hopeful | Hopeless |
Humble | Proud |
Ignore | Acknowledge |
Include | Exclude |
Increase | Decrease |
Insult | Compliment |
Intelligent | Unintelligent |
Intentional | Accidental |
Joy | Sorrow |
Junior | Senior |
Kind | Cruel |
Knowledge | Ignorance |
Laugh | Cry |
Lazy | Active |
Lead | Follow |
Left | Right |
Legal | Illegal |
Lend | Borrow |
Lengthen | Shorten |
Less | More |
Light | Dark |
Likely | Unlikely |
Lose | Win |
Loud | Quiet |
Love | Hate |
Lower | Raise |
Major | Minor |
Many | Few |
Master | Servant |
Maximum | Minimum |
Melt | Freeze |
Messy | Tidy |
Modern | Ancient |
Narrow | Wide |
Natural | Artificial |
Near | Far |
Neat | Messy |
Negative | Positive |
New | Old |
Normal | Abnormal |
Notice | Ignore |
Obey | Disobey |
Offer | Refuse |
Often | Seldom |
On | Off |
Optimistic | Pessimistic |
Ordinary | Extraordinary |
Over | Under |
Partial | Complete |
Passive | Active |
Peace | War |
Plentiful | Scarce |
Polite | Rude |
Powerful | Weak |
Present | Absent |
Private | Public |
Push | Pull |
Quick | Slow |
Raise | Lower |
Real | Fake |
Reduce | Increase |
Relaxed | Stressed |
Rich | Poor |
Rough | Smooth |
Rude | Polite |
Rural | Urban |
I know the above-listed words are not easy to read; that’s why we create helpful images for you. Learning through images of these antonym words will make easy to read and memorize. If you are looking for a PDF book of this lesson then please click on the below link: