Learning antonyms or opposites of the common English words makes it easy. Antonyms are the words that have opposite meanings. For example: sad > happy, big > small, hot > cold, and fast > slow. These are the words showing the antonym concept and how they are opposite in meaning. After learning these common English words with their antonyms, you will be able to understand easily that how you can use the opposite of the same words, which you will listen when you communicate with someone in the English language. Let’s learn more examples of antoyms of the English words:
100 Common English Words with Their Antonyms
In this section, we will learn the 100 common English words with their antonyms. Learning the antonyms of the English words with this method will make it easy to memorize this lesson. The PDF book of these antonym words is given below at the bottom of this page.
Word | Opposite |
Happy | Sad |
Big | Small |
Hot | Cold |
Light | Heavy |
Fast | Slow |
Old | Young |
Open | Closed |
Full | Empty |
Hard | Soft |
High | Low |
Clean | Dirty |
Early | Late |
Rich | Poor |
Right | Wrong |
Wet | Dry |
Strong | Weak |
Thick | Thin |
Sweet | Sour |
Near | Far |
Rough | Smooth |
Sharp | Dull |
New | Used |
Quiet | Loud |
Up | Down |
Brave | Cowardly |
Tall | Short |
Wide | Narrow |
Bitter | Sweet |
Bright | Dim |
Safe | Dangerous |
Alive | Dead |
Large | Tiny |
Noisy | Silent |
Dark | Light |
Fearful | Bold |
Joyful | Mournful |
Simple | Complex |
Modern | Ancient |
Flexible | Rigid |
Healthy | Unwell |
Energetic | Lethargic |
Timid | Confident |
Salty | Sweet |
Warm | Cool |
Tiny | Huge |
Straight | Curved |
Open | Shut |
Rich | Impoverished |
Small | Enormous |
Young | Elderly |
Sweet | Spicy |
Close | Remote |
Light | Dark |
Soft | Firm |
Clean | Messy |
Bright | Faint |
Large | Petite |
New | Aged |
Quiet | Boisterous |
Wide | Restricted |
Dangerous | Safe |
Bold | Cautious |
Heavy | Featherlight |
Strong | Fragile |
Pleasant | Unpleasant |
Tough | Gentle |
Rapid | Gradual |
Simple | Elaborate |
Healthy | Sickly |
Radiant | Dull |
Youthful | Mature |
Pleasant | Harsh |
Regular | Irregular |
Unique | Common |
Flexible | Stiff |
Unusual | Ordinary |
Smooth | Bumpy |
Calm | Agitated |
Active | Passive |
Straightforward | Complicated |
Spacious | Cramped |
Generous | Stingy |
Efficient | Inefficient |
Positive | Negative |
Available | Unavailable |
Powerful | Weak |
Fresh | Stale |
Affluent | Poor |
Simple | Intricate |
Popular | Unpopular |
Reliable | Unreliable |
Strong | Weak |
Warm | Chilly |
Visible | Hidden |
Joyful | Sad |
Robust | Fragile |
Simple | Complex |
Transparent | Opaque |
Precise | Vague |
Calm | Excited |
Click on the below link and download a free PDF book of these antonym words.