English Vocabulary

100 Common English Words with Their Antonyms

100 Common English Words with Their Antonyms
Written by @engrdu

Learning antonyms or opposites of the common English words makes it easy. Antonyms are the words that have opposite meanings. For example: sad > happy, big > small, hot > cold, and fast > slow. These are the words showing the antonym concept and how they are opposite in meaning. After learning these common English words with their antonyms, you will be able to understand easily that how you can use the opposite of the same words, which you will listen when you communicate with someone in the English language. Let’s learn more examples of antoyms of the English words:

100 Common English Words with Their Antonyms

In this section, we will learn the 100 common English words with their antonyms. Learning the antonyms of the English words with this method will make it easy to memorize this lesson. The PDF book of these antonym words is given below at the bottom of this page.

Word Opposite
Happy Sad
Big Small
Hot Cold
Light Heavy
Fast Slow
Old Young
Open Closed
Full Empty
Hard Soft
High Low
Clean Dirty
Early Late
Rich Poor
Right Wrong
Wet Dry
Strong Weak
Thick Thin
Sweet Sour
Near Far
Rough Smooth
Sharp Dull
New Used
Quiet Loud
Up Down
Brave Cowardly
Tall Short
Wide Narrow
Bitter Sweet
Bright Dim
Safe Dangerous
Alive Dead
Large Tiny
Noisy Silent
Dark Light
Fearful Bold
Joyful Mournful
Simple Complex
Modern Ancient
Flexible Rigid
Healthy Unwell
Energetic Lethargic
Timid Confident
Salty Sweet
Warm Cool
Tiny Huge
Straight Curved
Open Shut
Rich Impoverished
Small Enormous
Young Elderly
Sweet Spicy
Close Remote
Light Dark
Soft Firm
Clean Messy
Bright Faint
Large Petite
New Aged
Quiet Boisterous
Wide Restricted
Dangerous Safe
Bold Cautious
Heavy Featherlight
Strong Fragile
Pleasant Unpleasant
Tough Gentle
Rapid Gradual
Simple Elaborate
Healthy Sickly
Radiant Dull
Youthful Mature
Pleasant Harsh
Regular Irregular
Unique Common
Flexible Stiff
Unusual Ordinary
Smooth Bumpy
Calm Agitated
Active Passive
Straightforward Complicated
Spacious Cramped
Generous Stingy
Efficient Inefficient
Positive Negative
Available Unavailable
Powerful Weak
Fresh Stale
Affluent Poor
Simple Intricate
Popular Unpopular
Reliable Unreliable
Strong Weak
Warm Chilly
Visible Hidden
Joyful Sad
Robust Fragile
Simple Complex
Transparent Opaque
Precise Vague
Calm Excited

100 Common English Words with Their Antonyms

100 Common English Words with Their Antonyms

Click on the below link and download a free PDF book of these antonym words.

Read More:

  1. 100 Synonyms of English Words with PDF
  2. Synonyms and Antonyms Worksheets with PDF
  3. 50+ Basic Synonyms for Kids with Examples
  4. 75 Common Antonyms and Examples

About the author


"We are passionate about making English language learning accessible and fun. From mastering grammar to expanding vocabulary and understanding the nuances of American and British English, our goal is to provide learners with practical tools for real-world communication. Whether you're looking to improve comprehension or sharpen your daily conversation skills, our easy-to-follow guides, worksheets, and picture-based learning make it simple for everyone to succeed."

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